Certain Houses


“Why do we love certain houses, and do they seem to love us? It is the warmth of our individual hearts reflected in our surroundings.”
–T.T. Robsjohn-Gibbings

Last Monday night we walked through our new house, measuring rooms, listening to the echo of our little ones’ voices as they raced from room to room playing games together. We dreamed, we planned, we strategized. And when we were done, we took our children and walked through every room together. And we prayed. We prayed over each room asking that God would be in this place, that His Spirit’s presence would prevail in our home.

The sweetness of my children once again overwhelmed me as I listened to them ask God for his blessings in our home. Dear Asher prayed in every single room,asking God for a house that would serve us well. The playroom has stars on the ceiling, and I can’t do justice to his tone of delight as he asked for those stars to brighten their hearts just like God has. There were the hidden smiles between B and I as we listened to him ask that no one would fall into the toilet. And Bear. His delight at finding the perfect spot in each room to pray, then asking God for good times. He’s all about those good times. And Bella. She just kept asking that we would be safe and sleep well.

To stand in the entryway with my family and pray for each person who would step into our home. To beg for His presence, for hearts to love each other well. It was beautiful.

But what is even more beautiful were these words left in a note to us by the sellers:

Though we enjoy our new home, I have missed living in the old house and cherish the wonderful memories of our kids growing up there. If you are only half as blessed as we were, you will indeed be filled with happiness! Nevertheless, we have been praying for God’s richest blessings to fall upon you and favor from heaven, more than you can possibly contain.

I can’t even begin to tell you what it does for my heart to know the LIFE that has gone before us in our new home. To know a kinship with people we’ve never met because of our shared love for God. To know that the Spirit has dwelt in their home, has inhabited these walls. To know they have been praying for US. We are so humbled. We are overwhelmingly grateful.

It has been prayed in, played in and loved in.

Now it’s our turn.

…and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live… ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ (Acts 17:26b, 28)

Enjoy a few pics of our new home (built circa. 1890), our gift from God…


12 responses to “Certain Houses”

  1. judieyoung@hotmail.com Avatar

    Dearest Angie,

    What a blessing you have been given. Your house is lovely. Let me know what your address is, I would like to visit.

    Love and blessings,


  2. What a beautiful home, and how lovely to know that the previous owners loved it too, and were thinking of you. What a blessing!


  3. A beautiful home – and that yard – it’s fantastic! I see many many hours spent running and playing among the trees!
    Many many happy, blessed years lie ahead!


  4. We’ve done the same thing in each of our homes. Pray for God’s presence and blessings not only on our family but on each one that would enter.

    How affirming that letter from the sellers must have been! Almost as if God has prepared the way. HHmmmm…. 🙂

    It looks like a lovely home with a fantastic yard!


  5. I love it that you got that letter from the sellers. That’s just so reassuring, such a gift.

    LOVE the pictures. I’m so happy for you.


  6. So wonderful … once again your writing has brought tears to my eyes 🙂 By the way … I only count 6 drawers in your one kitchen picture … please post the rest of the drawers. I’m still trying to figure out how a kitchen can have 16 drawers. (I’ve got 6!)


  7. Yay! So happy for you, Angie! It’s wonderful to read and celebrate with you a very happy occasion and blessing for you and your family. No doubt God’s Spirit will stream through your home daily…


  8. Angie… such a beautiful home! Surely His promise is yours…

    “You have set my feet in a spacious place”
    ~ Psalm 31:8


  9. So glad you are enjoying it, and being blessed already! I love that the previous owners left you a note. That doesn’t happen every day. Your pictures look great, too, by the way! I especially love the one of the stairs. 🙂


  10. Again, your post is beautiful, and your words make me see and hear your family life in that lovely new home. And the letter from the previous owners is like a kiss from our Father. You’re going to make some marvelous memories there and continue to give your children a legacy of faith and grace. You are a gift to me, Angie.


  11. You’ll be so happy there! Congratulations. oh, and what a wonderful surprise to find such a lovely note from the previous owners. Wow!


  12. Hi, I am stopping over via Jules from the Roost blog tonight. I just wanted to say that I love that you prayed over your new house. I hope God will bless you and your family as you begin living there. It is very beautiful! : )


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